Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Max & Furma Birnbaum

Here is yet another photo from Leslie Birnbaum

The photo is from her father Jack and brother Michael's trip to Israel in February 2001

In the photo from left to right are:

Hinda Dickoff (Max's Friend)
Max Birnbaum
Michael Birnbaum
Jack Birnbaum
Fruma Krolik (nee Birnbaum)

Jack Birnbaum & Kids

Here is another photo courtesy of Leslie. It is a picture of her with her father Jack and her youngest brother David circa 1965-1966

Michael Birnbaum - Bar Mitzvah Photo

I want to thank Leslie Birnbaum for this photo of Michael Birnbaum son of Philip and Molly. Photo is from circa 1955.